Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Calling all bargain hunters and spring cleaners!

This year the Upstate Family Resource Center is partnering with other non-profit organizations in Spartanburg County for “Rummage for a Reason.” Rummage for a Reason will be held on April 16th and 17th 8:00am- 2:00pm at the North Town Shopping Center on Asheville Highway in Spartanburg. It is a community style yard sale where each participating organization has a booth and collects items to sell at this 2 day yard sale. All of the profits from the items that we collect and sell will come straight back to the Resource Center to help us continue to serve those in need in our area. (Profits are not pooled between the participating organizations.)
There are 3 ways to help out:

1. Shop!
Please come out, find some great bargains, and support us (and the other non-profits in Spartanburg County) just by garage-sale shopping!

2. Donate items for us to sell!
In order to have a successful sale, we need items to sell! We are accepting any items that you would like to donate except for clothing. We have to set up on April 15th, so we need all items dropped off at the Center no later than April 14th. If you have any questions about items to donate, just give us a call!

3. Volunteer!

We need people on Friday and Saturday to man our booth. We would split the time into shifts and we are flexible to any schedule that you have! Please just let me know if you want to help out by emailing .

We look forward to seeing you there! And again, if you have any questions feel free to call or emails us. All contact information is on our website at .

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