Friday, September 18, 2015

Food Drive This Weekend!

This weekend dozens of our supporters will be serving and collecting food at the Walmart and two Ingles Stores on Hwy 9. 

We need your help in two ways….

First please share this blog. Second, please give. We have some specific needs, but would also love to receive what God puts on your heart as we work hard to meet the needs of both families and children in our community that are in need of a hand up. 

 We will be serving starting at 9:00 AM thru 6:00 PM at the following store locations:

  • Ingles - 4600 Hwy 9, Inman
  • Inges -  2120 Boiling Springs Road, Spartanburg
  • Walmart - 4000 SC-9, Boiling Springs
Thank you in advance!

All of us at The Upstate Family Resource Center… 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Healthy Smiles, Healthy Kids

Manda Hughson, Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg, contributed to this blog.  Thank you Manda for your work in keeping kids healthy and smiling!
Healthy Smiles Mobile Dental Clinic!

I am pleased to announce that we will be instituting a free mobile dental clinic in districts 1 and 7 this fall. This will be our first year pilot program to test the waters. If it is successful, we will implement the mobile dental unit in all districts so that we may reach all children in need.

Our mobile dental clinic will perform comprehensive dental exams, dental cleanings and x-rays. We hope to add more restorative work ( Fillings, extractions etc.)next year.

How you qualify for our program

1.)   You must not have dental insurance or Medicaid

2.)   You must be a student in a Spartanburg county school.

3.)   You must qualify for free or reduced lunch.

We will determine who qualifies for our program through our yearly dental screenings in the schools. This program is a way to reach those that do qualify but cannot make it to our dental clinic at The Spartanburg Community College on weekends about 4 times a month. Transportation can be difficult for a lot of people.
Hand for your reading pleasure--here are some fun dental facts!!
1.       51 million school hours per year are lost because of dental related illness.
2.       Flossing can increase your life expectancy by 6 years.
3.       There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world.
4.       Brush twice a day, floss and rinse once a day for a cavity free mouth.
5.       Smiling boosts your immune system.
6.       If you drink sugary sodas or juice you are 63% more likely to get cavities.
7.       More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones.
8.       Giraffes have the same number of teeth as humans. 32!!
9.       In Medieval Germany, the only cure for a toothache was to kiss a donkey.
10.   The cotton candy making machine that made widely consumed cotton candy possible was co-invented by a dentist. Before it was cotton candy, the fluffy confection was called “fairy floss.”
11.   An elephants tooth can weigh 6 pounds.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The pieces to stability...

Do you often wonder how a program at the UFRC affects you-even if you are not a participant? Just because you are not the person seeking food assistance or reaching out for guidance as a teenage mother, does not mean that your life is not impacted somehow.

Did you know that high school dropouts cost American taxpayers over $320 billion each year?  Or that they would earn $1,000,000 less than a college graduate over their lifetime (note: this is discussed in a Family Solutions Program session which has a session focusing on education).  Are you aware that someone could be employed and be food insecure?  There are 24% of children in Spartanburg County who are food insecure but their family earns too much to receive SNAP benefits.  The UFRC is here to help any family, in any situation.

Economic Stability Programming

The value of assistance families received is graphed below.  Take a look at our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program!  246 tax returns were prepared by a small group of faithful volunteers!!!  Over $240,000 of Federal Refunds were received! 
Saving Up! is one of our new programs.  Individuals or families with earned income could sign up.  Participants had monthly classes covering a range of subjects from basic budgeting to preparing for Christmas.  For every $25 saved, we matched $25 (up to $300)- that is potential savings of $600 in one year!
A new piece of the "puzzle" is Goal Setting.  We want to provide our clients with the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty and we, along with other Spartanburg County agencies, are working to implement strategies for clients to identify their own strengths and personal values to reach their goals. 

Adult Education
Percentage of GED students who reached their educational goal level 
(i.e. improved reading or math skills a grade level or obtained their GED)

Work Keys Certificates Obtained last school year:  

ACT WorkKeys is a job skills assessment system that helps employers select, hire, train, develop, and retain a high-performance workforce. This series of tests measures foundational and soft skills and offers specialized assessments to target institutional needs.  Spartanburg County is an ACT Work Ready Community.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Spartanburg is Making Strides

Liv Hayes
Care Case Manager, Upstate Family Resource Center
South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Summer Institute participant

This is such an exciting time to be involved in preventing teen pregnancy in South Carolina, especially in Spartanburg!  Those of us who have been involved in this initiative know how far we have come but appreciate the importance of maintaining the momentum and continuing along the path we have begun.  I have served on the South Carolina Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy’s Not Right Now committee and have attended Summer Institute many times.  I have gained so much insight into not only the issues that our youth face, but how our various communities are approaching these issues and what strategies are working best.  Attending Summer Institutes have increased my confidence in talking about teen pregnancy prevention and many other issues that go along with it.  I have gained a heightened sense of community pride, because I think Spartanburg is doing so many things well.  Spartanburg is very fortunate to have a united front of individuals, non-profit organizations, Foundations, other organizations, businesses and the faith based communities all working together with a common set of goals, all of which overlap and are interconnected.  Summer Institute helps to increase our community’s understanding that teen pregnancy affects multiple areas of our community’s well-being, growth and development.  Our community has developed a better appreciation for the need to saturate the populations we are working with, by providing a variety of evidenced based services and programs to these populations and by also always striving to follow current trends in best practices.  Spartanburg’s approach has been deliberate and effective, targeting those most at risk populations for primary prevention and intervening with a lot of support and guidance to the pregnant and parenting adolescents.  We are fortunate to have Summer Institutes every year to provide participants with strategies that impact young people’s health, futures, and communities.