Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Spartanburg artist opportunity!! --Sunday Art Market at the Chapman Cultural Center

The Chapman Cultural Center announces upcoming Sunday Art Markets.  These will take place every Sunday from 1pm to 5pm starting on July 14th.  The CCC would like to extend an invitation to all local artists to complete the attached contract that they can bring with them the first Sunday that they set up. 

The cost is $10 per artist or non-profit artist group per year.  This small fee will help CCC advertise with signs, banners, posters, and some newspaper ads.  The CCC will of course promote the Art Market with email blasts, facebook and other free social networking, too. 

The Spartanburg Art Museum, the Regional History Museum and the Science Center at the Chapman Cultural Center are currently open on Sundays from 1pm to 5pm and also has live music each Sunday.  The Little Theatre and Youth Theatre often hold performance Sunday afternoons and all of these attractions bring people in.  The CCC is eager to get the visual arts community added into the mix, as they are sure that will be a big draw to bring even more people to the campus and help families discover what a rich mix of culture Spartanburg has to offer.  The CCC hopes that the artists will find this a pleasant and profitable experience and hopes that the Spartanburg community at large will begin to look forward to spending Sunday afternoons here, taking in the art and music. 

Melissa Earley
Ticket Office Manager   
Chapman Cultural Center
200 East St. John Street  |  Spartanburg, SC 29306

p 864.542.2787  |  f 864.948.5353  