Coming To America-- April 12, 2013
Last evening, with thunder clouds rolling in outside, seven area families were recognized at a dinner at the Upstate Family Resource Center for bringing a foreign exchange student into their homes this year. In collaboration with the EF Foundation, the UFRC facilitated the exchange. The Foundation, a family-owned non-profit whose mission is to break down barriers of language and culture through education and travel, was represented by Bob Fredette who flew in from Boston for the event.
The students have been here since this past summer and are from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, South Korea, Italy and Spain. Three are enrolled at Boiling Springs High, two at Chesnee High and one each at Byrnes and Landrum. They have truly been immersed in American culture, and they have given us a glimpse of life from their homelands.They have learned about Krispy Kreme donuts, neighborhood ice cream trucks, peanut butter, Chick-Fil-A, high school football and school spirit, NASCAR, and Wal-Mart. They have been to Sliding Rock and Grandfather Mountain, the Grand Canyon, New York City, and Las Vegas. Some have learned to water ski or have participated in our athletic programs and pageants.
The host parents offered some insight and related some truly insightful comments. One said, "Since she came there have been tons of laughter in our house." Another stated, "Our daughter wanted an exchange student for her birthday. We are now as close as any of our children are." "He has been a blessing from God." "An eye opener in how they live their lives compared to how we live ours." "Not for the faint of heart; it's not easy, but oh the joy." One father said that he has learned, "No matter where you go in the world, teenage girls act the same."
Apparently there is quite a desire for students from around the world to visit America. Mr. Fredette said the Foundation gets 30,000 applicants each year which they narrow to 3,000. Host families may then go on-line to read profiles and letters from the potential students to find a match for their family. From the YouTube videos the students had put together, it seems they have truly embraced and enjoyed the year, as well.
If you have ever thought about hosting an international exchange student, give Kelley Ezell at the UFRC a call (864.578.1379), and she can tell you more about it. It also benefits the Center as the EF Foundation donated $7,000 in appreciation of the Center's involvement to help them find families.